
„Free Winds started as a duo between Roland Schaeffer, guitarist, saxophonist, Nadhaswaramplayer and specialist in south Indian music and myself, who at that time was heavily into MIDI, loops and synthezised sound production. After a while we realized that a percussion player might help. Together with tabla artist Jatinder Thakur we started to develop a very special and unique sound, which drew from Bollywood, south Indian folklore as well as Jazz and Austrian folkmusic. This CD was our first and did surprisingly well.“

Heinrich von Kalnein, Natango Music

„Gelassen geographische und stilistische Grenzen überwindend, lassen sich die beiden von Lust und Laune treiben. … raffiniertes Spiel mit Timbrenuancen, die jeden einzelnen Ton zum höchst lebendigen Ereignis werden lassen. Highly recommended.“ Concerto/A

„When the storm of special effects clears, it becomes apparent that these are two adventurous players with a full range of technical ability, as well as a report so well developed that they sound, at times, like one player. …“ Cadence – Magazine/USA

 „Ein frech-ulkiges deutsch-österreichisches Duo, das durch Homogenität und musikalische Kompetenz besticht… Musik zwischen Indien und Jazz, Folklore und Blues, Orient und Rock ‘n’ Roll.“ Weser Kurier/D